Mar 31, 2020
One of the greatest rom coms of all time - just when we most need it. Abi and Matt discuss When Harry Met Sally (1989). Plus an open love letter to New York City...and Daniel Day Lewis. Plus grape spitting...unfortunately.
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Theme music by our good friend John Hollahan....
Mar 25, 2020
Our first foray into television. Good thing it's a topic we know well (especially Matt)...The OC! Plus some very special guests.
Theme music by our good friend John Hollahan. Find him at
Mar 17, 2020
Need a break from the news? Something to keep you from killing your roommates while you're working from home? We got you. We're talking about The Farewell (2019) and grandparents (or uncles in some cases). Call your grandparents!
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Theme music by our good friend John...
Mar 4, 2020
Abi and Matt talk all things Men in Black (1997), plus Will Smith, ill-fitting suits, Will Smith, Wicki Wicki Wild, and more Will Smith. Basically we talk about Will Smith. Oh and Matt raps a lot.
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Theme music by our good friend John Hollahan. Find him...